A set of Mix Palestinian Solidarity Tattoos (4 individual tattoos) - Free Delivery

A set of Mix Palestinian Solidarity Tattoos (4 individual tattoos) - Free Delivery

Wear it with pride and express solidarity with the Palestinian people. 

You will get 4 individually wrapped Palestinian Tattoos

1x Long Live Palestine (In Arabic) 

1x From the River to the Sea (in Arabic)

1x Free Palestine (In Arabic)

1x from the River to the Sea (in English)

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  • Feature & Function

    To ensure the best results for your tattoo:

    During Application:  Avoid sweating, swimming, or showering both during the application time and for the following 6 hours.

    After Application:

    • While showering, be cautious not to scrub the tattoo while soaping up.
    • When towelling off, gently pat your tattoo area dry rather than rubbing it.

    General Care:  Avoid using any exfoliating products, as these can accelerate the fading process. Since the tattoo is situated in the top layer of your skin, minimizing exfoliation will help maintain its longevity.

  • How to use


    1. Wipe the tattooing area and ensure it is completely dry.
    2. Remove the clear sheet.
    3. Place the tattoo face down on the skin.


    1. Wet the tattoo thoroughly with a sponge or cloth.
    2. When the card paper is wet, carefully move it away.


    1. The tattoo appears transparent when adhered to the skin.
    2. Colours will fully manifest within 24-72 hours.

    Removal: Should you wish to remove the tattoo sooner, lightly scrub your skin with an exfoliant, such as warm saltwater or body scrub. Be gentle with your skin, as it may take a few attempts to completely remove the ink.

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A set of Mix Palestinian Solidarity Tattoos (4 individual tattoos) - Free Delivery